Hello Design Geeks!

Truss and Texture

My name is Vicki and like you, I live and breathe design. I am happiest when tearing apart a room, wall or garden. Finding treasures at thrift stores or on the side of the road, taking them home and transforming them into something special and useful is design crack for me. I was never very good at photographing my projects (that includes my daughter and stepson’s ;-)) as I usually just get an idea and start working. By working this way, many an expensive outfit has been ruined and several pairs of shoes are now “work shoes.” At the bequest of many friends and neighbors who will hopefully read this blog regularly (hint, hint), I will make the best effort to change my ways. I hereby vow to document and share my constant crazy projects with you. Here we go!


  1. Tracey says:

    Looking forward to reading about your projects!

  2. Lisa says:

    I sure miss you helping me !!!! You are great at what you do !!

  3. Jena says:

    I finally bought a house and could use you! Probably to far away though… 😉

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